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Biomagnetic adjustment is an effective, natural therapy that is successful where other treatments are not effective


Our philosophy is different

The Vitalist's Academy Of BioMagnetic Adjustment

Our program specializes in delivering excellent, practical and structured instruction in the application of magnets using only north polarity on the body. Whether you wish to offer this modality to clients or simply to help yourself and your family, your training will help you to be confident in your abilities. A primary focus is to help you avoid getting infected while helping others in your professional background or in application of this modality. You will learn techniques to uphold the highest standards of energetic hygiene to avoid the energetic contagions from which a great number of physicians, holistic practitioners and massage therapists get inexplicably ill.


Biomagnetic Adjustment Modality

The science of biomagnetics is very simple. Using proper magnetic fields, the electrical condition of the specific problem area can be efficiently adjusted into a corrected normal functioning condition; thereby forcing the biochemical activity of the cells to assume a normal high energy, healthy circuiting, resulting in the body's functions operating properly, causing a return to normal health (homeostasis). The magnet simply puts the proper charge into the body so it has the highest energy of self-healing. The problem in biomagnetic health is that people in general do not understand the important difference in poles of the magnets. The North Pole gives one effect and the South Pole gives another. The North Pole creates a negative ion state or what is observed as a counter-clockwise electron spin. This is the healthy state of cell tissue. The South Pole of the magnet creates an unhealthy positive ion state. Biomagnetics is not pseudo-science. It is a science with a background of over 2,000 years worth of experimentation and use.

Our techniques support wellness by applying a natural energy to the body which comes from using only the North Pole of the magnet. This modality does not promote or teach to practice remotely.

The Vitalist’s Academy of Biomagnetic Adjustment is now an approved Continuing Education Program (CEU) by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) and the American College of Physical Medicine, a certified professional development provider by National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and fully accredited by American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (ANMAB).


Take a listen to the American Naturopathic Medical Association’s podcast Entitled: Biomagnetic Adjustment Modality with Ruth Salgado, R.N.

If you would like more information about the ANMA enjoy the abundant information they have available on their official ANMA Website, or their Podcast Page.

Learn how to utilize all of these therapeutic products when you enroll in our courses. Discover which specific products are right for you to facilitate the restoration of your electromagnetic energy. Grounding is a natural process that so many people inhibit the effectiveness of it without even knowing they do so. Join our four tiered program to acquire knowledge on how grounding is of critical importance and you can ensure you do so properly.

Younifi essential oils and supplements are crafted with clean, pure, and vegan plant sources. Their signature products contain clinically studied 100% vegan plant extracts at their clinical dose to ensure potency and efficacy.

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Use the link below to find a vitalist near you.


Upcoming Courses

Students have benefited from learning this modality from all over the world including countries such as: Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Canada, Paraguay, Argentina, England, Columbia, Ecuador, Chile, Israel, Germany, Spain and now the United States.

Tier I

ONLINE ZOOM | JUNE 4 - 5 , 2025 | Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($1676.60)Includes Magnet Kit

ONLINE ZOOM | October 15 - 16 , 2025 | Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($1676.60)Includes Magnet Kit

Tier II

ONLINE ZOOM | June 18 - 19 , 2025 | Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($1500.00)

ONLINE ZOOM | October 29 - 30 , 2025 | Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($1500.00)

Tier III
INTEGRATED: ONLINE OR IN PERSON CLASS Valparaiso, IN | ONLINE: October 6 - 7 , 2025 |IN PERSON October 6 - 8 Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($1500.00)

Tier IV

INTEGRATED: ONLINE OR IN PERSON CLASS Valparaiso, IN | ONLINE: October 9 - 10 , 2025 |IN PERSON October 9 - 11 Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($1500.00) Valparaiso, IN | October 9 - 11, 2025 | Instructor: Ruth Salgado ($1500.00)

Advancing Vitalism Course
IN PERSON: Valparaiso, IN | October 17 , 2025 | Instructor: Ruth Salgado ($1200.00)

Modules 1 & 2
Online Recorded Zoom Class, 4 Hours | Tier IV Graduates Only | 4 C.E. Hours
Module 1: Marvelous Menopause... It Is Not A Disease It Is A Gift, Instructor: Dionna Carranza and Module 2: The Epidemic of Insulin Resistance And Unintentional Increase On Body Fat and Weight - How To Get A Handle On It, Instructor: Ruth Salgado ($400.00)

Modules 3 & 4
Online Recorded Zoom Class, 4 Hours | Tier IV Graduates Only | 4 C.E. Hours
Module 3: Dominating the Compounding Effects of Auto-Immune Disorders, Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Module 4: Proliferation of Stem Cells to Assist the Body in it's Renewal Process of Damaged Areas, Instructor: Dionna Carranza ($400.00)

Modules 5 & 6
| Online Recorded Zoom Class, 4 Hours | Tier IV Graduates Only | 4 C.E. Hours
Module 5: Rekindle the Vitality and Appearance of Your Face with Magnetic Facial Mask, Instructor: Ruth Salgado (Facial Mask not Included) and Module 6: The Forgotten Muscle—Where the Digestive Tract Begins, Instructor: Dionna Carranza ($400.00)

Modules 7 & 8
4 Hours | Tier IV Graduates Only |June 6, 2025| 4 C.E. Hours
Module 7: The Template to Identify False Chromosomes and the Restructuring of Authentic Chromosomes to Cease the Negative Activity, Instructor: Ruth Salgado and Module 8: Time-saving Strategies of Using the PMR and Ruling Out Disaster Zones, Instructor: Dionna Carranza ($400.00)

Queue Innovations
April 25, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. CST | Online Zoom Class | Tier IV Graduates Only | 7 C.E. Hours
Energetic Health Manual for the Energy Worker—The Detrimental Effects of Ignoring Energetic Contagions and How to Keep Yourself Free of Them, Part I, Instructors: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza ($600.00)

**PLEASE NOTE:** We offer a four-tiered program. To be fully educated and trained in the application of North Pole magnets on the body to support wellness, one must complete all four courses.