Before registering, please take a moment to read through our Registration Policies. If you have any questions please reach out to the main office info@biomagneticadjustment.com or call 219-615-0075.
NO REFUNDS. The Academy does not give refunds for courses. If you are unable to attend a course, a course credit can be given at the discretion of the Director of the Academy. If the Academy cancels a course, refunds will be given.
COURSE CANCELLATION. It is the students’s responsibility to notify the main office via email if they are unable to attend the course with a detailed explanation of the reason for cancellation. Upon approval from the Director of the Academy, a course credit may be given (see course credit policy)
EXPEDITED SHIPPING. Payment is due 10 business days before the first day of class to insure the class material will be shipped to you on time. If class material needs to be shipped by Fed Ex or UPS less than 10 business days before the first day of class, the student will be invoiced the cost of the expedited shipping after he or she has completed the Tier. The invoice must be paid before one can take another tier.
COURSE CREDIT. A Course Credit is decided upon the Academy’s Administration team. Once a student is approved for a course credit, they will have 6 months to use the course credit. Once student receives their approval for course credit they will have to re-register online for the course. Re-registration online is required to guarantee your spot in the course. PLEASE KNOW: there is an Administration Fee of $175 per Tier if a Course Credit is issued for any reason. Administration Fee must be paid at time of Course Credit approval. Tiers III and IV; you have one year to make that course up as they are offered twice a year.
FORMS. Due to courses being hands on and much of class time is spent putting all techniques into practice while under supervision of the Instructor, a “Course Consent” form with your signature is required to attend the course. The course consent form gives permission for other students and/or Instructor in class to perform techniques on yourself and vice versa. In addition, the Academy kindly requests that all students sign a “Legal Course Agreement” form that protects all intellectual property and copyrights of the the Academy, books, information in curriculum, techniques and etc. These form must be signed to complete your registration process.
CONDUCT. While in class, it is expected that everyone respects each others time and space. The Academy has no tolerance for any abusive/aggressive talk, or any kind of disruption during class. At the discretion of the Instructor, if you refuse to abide by this policy, you will be escorted out of class. If you are escorted out of class please understand, you will not be refunded for the course,. you will lose any rescheduling privilege to attend courses with the Academy in the future.