Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to have a Biomagnetic Adjustment on myself before attending your course? If you have never received a biomagnetic adjustment on yourself, then YES. To get the most out of the the course you must have some concept of this adjustment. If you choose to receive a biomagnetic adjustment before class, please make sure it is at least a month before your course date. If you have had an adjustment on yourself before, then it is not required.
When will I get my books and/or magnet kit? This will depend on how quickly you respond to the main office email. Typically right after the deadline date, or when full payment is received and the Legal Course Agreement Form is signed and emailed to the office.
I have COVID, can I get a refund? No. The Academy does not give refunds. We would be more than happy to provide you with a course credit. Please see above Policy for course credit.
What is your policy in relation to the pandemic? We do not force anyone to do anything they are not comfortable with. The Academy will abide by every mandate where the course is being held. If the course you are attending requires a mask and/or vaccine card, the office will inform you when you register. If you do not hear anything otherwise, then it is your pandemic prerogative to do what you are comfortable with.
I attended the course partially but can’t finish the course, what happens now? The Academy understands things are out of your control and unexpected. You will need to email or call the main office explaining the situation that did not allow completion of the course. There will be an allowance to make-up the course for an administration fee of $100 (per Tier) within 6 months. The make-up course must be with the same Instructor you originally registered with. It is required that, once you pick your make-up course, you re-register online with the $100 admin fee.
I signed up for Tier I, and I have my own magnet kit, do I have to buy yours with the Tier I? Our Tier I price comes as a package with the magnet kit and book. We can not separate the package.
I took your course online but want to re-take the course in person, do I get a discount? If you took our course online then you received a bulletin of our in person courses that were being offered at a very low price exclusively to you for a limited time. Unfortunately if you missed it, then you would have to pay full price for the courses.
I took all the courses online with Ajuste Biomagnetico in Mexico but now want to take the course in English. Would I be able to get some sort of discount? Yes. We would credit you what you paid for your courses with Ajuste Biomagnetico. Please email our office so that we can explain further the amount you would be credited.
I live in Mexico, do you teach any classes here? Yes. The Director and some Instructors do visit Mexico frequently and if well planned, can accommodate your request for courses to be held in Mexico. Please email the office to speak directly with Ruth Salgado’s assistant Mary.