Queue Innovations

Queue Innovations


April 25, 2025  |  10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. CST  |  One hour lunch period

Online training! Take this class on your computer from wherever you choose.

Eligibility: Modules are for Tier IV vitalists who have completed their courses in-person only.

These classes require much preparation time. The scope of information is extensive, covering general topics concerning energy workers (magnetic techniques, increases awareness of safety, etc.). It is strongly recommended to register 3 weeks before the class date. This will allow you time to review the great deal of data and substantial information. Sometimes information will be in the form of a book, and at other times will be in the form of a lesson plan.

The same policies for Tiers I-IV are applicable to each online training module. All information and materials are copyright. You will be asked to sign a form in agreement during registration.

Energetic Health Manual for the Energy Worker—The Detrimental Effects of Ignoring Energetic Contagions and How to Keep Yourself Free of Them, Part I (Trainers: Ruth Salgado and Dionna Carranza)

7 C.E. Hours

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