Course Registration

Our curriculum entails instruction that includes demonstration and the implementation of each technique while in class. There is an abundance of interactive practicing along with role playing to ensure that you not only learn facts but that you are trained to think in an energetic manner for the successful application of magnets on the body. Sounds like fun doesn't it? Imagine how much confidence you will gain from having your instructor by your side to address your concerns or doubts about the way you are performing the biomagnetic adjustments.

Gain your confidence, by having the instructor confirm that all your techniques were completed in correct form. This will be possible now through our courses because they will be offered on-site and in-person in various parts of the country.

To register, please fill out the form below and submit payment on the following page. Full payment must be made 10 business days before the first day of class to guarantee your seat in class. This gives us time to make sure you get your class material and books on time. Once registration and payment has been received you will be contacted by a team member with additional information.

Tiers I, II, III and IV Course
Course includes: 2 days of instruction, demonstration, then implementation of each technique and diplomas. For Tier I only includes: one magnet kit; consisting of 10 magnets, nosepiece, brachial and wristlets; Tier I package is not sold separately.

Class Schedule for Tiers I - Tier IV are as follows:
Day 1: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm, Day 2: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, Day 3: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm


We reserve the right to eliminate or change prices, referral programs, or any promotions without notice.

Please review our Policy page before registering.